• Together we are a community

    The time you spend on your mat is yours but we practice as a community in the studio.
    Please arrive 10 minutes early and stay through final savasana.

  • Talk + Txt

    Turn it off and leave it alone!
    All phones must be silenced and left in your car, bag, or cubby.
    Absolutely NO phones at the mat.

  • Chit Chat

    Talking durning class is a major distraction to others as well as the instructor.
    Please save the banter until after class.

  • Cleanliness (Saucha)

    Practicing together in the studio provides an amazing energy for our practice.
    Please ensure that your gear is clean and refrain from using strong fragrances
    before attending class.

  • take it easy Hercules

    Listen to your body and pace yourself.
    This practice isn’t about pushing your body beyond its limits.
    Gracefully embrace where you are TODAY and remind yourself that every
    practice will be different than the last. If you need to rest, please do so in
    balasana (Childs Pose) or savasana (Corpse Pose),
    and re-join the practice when you’re ready.